Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 8 - Art + NanoTech

Although nanotechnology is considered a new thing for most of the people just like many other microscopic technologies such as genetic technology, it has been the corner stone of my field for several decades. The whole computer science is possible because of the development of nanotechnology; the nano-scales transistors which make up the CPUs are deep at the core of every computer.
Figure 1: The Chip Butterfly from Intel

Intel, as the largest CPU designer and manufacturer in the world, has released many artworks like advertisements and posters. My favorite one is the "Chip Butterfly". The most remarkable feature of this work is the pattern of nano-scale integrated circuits on the wings of the butterfly. It symbolizes the interaction of technology, art and the nature. The flying butterfly also means the chip unleashes the potential of the user. 
Figure 2: Drug delivery robots
Nanotechnology also has potential in the field of medicine. Like the "3D Box" what Dr. Gimzewski introduced in the lecture video, there's a lot of space for creativity in this context. In my midterm proposal, I mentioned the possibility to build a wireless robot system to deliver drugs precisely in human bodies.
Figure 3: Patterns drawn using STM
The invention of Scanning Tunnel Microscope enables artists to draw on another canvas. With STM, operating on single atom is now possible. Figure 3 lists some atom drawings. The middle piece in the figure is the Chinese characters for "atom".

Gimzewski, J. K. "Lecture Video." <>
Gimzewski, J. K. Vesna, V. V. "The Nanomeme Syndrome: Blurring of fact & fiction in the construction of a new science" <>
Intel. "The Chip Butterfly". <>
Strickland, J. "How Nanorobots Will Work." <>
Ganapati, P. "20 Years of Moving Atoms, One by One." <>

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